Wise Words From A Young Man

When I awoke this morning it was still dark outside. No one in my house was awake and there was little to no traffic on the road, though a car would come by the house occasionally. The early morning hours are my favorite part of the day. It’s when I sit and spend time with God in his Word.

This morning I was reading in the book of Job. I have come to the point where Job and his three friends were done talking to one another. There was a young man named Elihu who patiently waited for Job and this three friends to finish, for he was the youngest, and according to tradition, he had no right to speak while those older than him were conversing. When he did speak, what he had to say is well worth paying attention too. I want to share with you a comment Elihu made that grabbed my attention early this Saturday morning.

In Job 34:21, Elihu said to Job, “For his eyes are on the ways of a man, and he sees all his steps.” The question is: whose eyes are on the ways of man? God. He watches how we live. He sees our behavior. Everything we do he observes. There is nothing anyone does that is not observed by God Almighty. He knows every step we take and when we take it. He sees all our going out and coming in. Nothing we do escapes the sight of God.

We mortal men tend to forget this. We forget the One who sits high and mighty on his throne in his Kingdom is always watching. We forget that He who created the heavens and earth sees everything that happens in the universe and on the earth. We forget the One who formed us and fashioned us in his image, and for his glory, sees every little and great thing we do.

I want us to take a moment and really think on this. Right now he sees me typing this. God was watching me early this morning as I meditated and contemplated over this verse. He watched me as I sipped on my coffee. He observed me as I read his Word. The Lord watched as I got ready this morning to go to the gym, saw me driving there, knew what I was listening to on my way there, watched me work out, saw how I interacted with others, and saw me drive home. God observes what I watch on television, what I view on the internet or social media, and what books I read. The Lord sees my text messages and he knows my emails. He sees how I treat my wife and my little boy. God sees how I treat others. God sees what I do in private when no one is around and he sees what I do in public. My point is this: there is nothing we do at any time that escapes God’s observation.

That should scare you. The fact that God is watching you right now should cause some kind of contemplation to your ways. The truth that there is not a move you make or an action you take that escapes his sight should create some apprehension about what you are doing right now or going to do. We need to really keep this in mind. I suppose if we kept in our mind that God is always watching us, we would consider more carefully our conduct. We would would choose our actions more wisely. We would think twice about what we do, what we view, what we are listening to, the places we go, and how we treat others.

So, as you go throughout your day just remember, someone is watching you right now. You do not see them but they see you. They are watching you, and there is not a move you make or an action you take that escapes their observation. That Person is the Creator of the universe.