No Other Way

In Acts 4 Peter and John had been talking to a crowd about Jesus. This crowd had gathered because earlier a lame man had been healed by the power of Christ just outside the Temple. Out of nowhere some authorities from the Temple confronted them, because they were annoyed that Peter and John were proclaiming that Jesus is risen from the dead. Thus, Peter and John were arrested. However, the impact of Peter and John had already been made. Many that day who heard their message and witnessed the lame man healed had believed in Jesus.

When Peter and John were questioned by the authorities, Peter goes on to preach the gospel, having been filled with the Spirit. He told his accusers, who wanted to know by what power and authority did they have to heal the lame man, that the lame man was healed by Jesus. The same Jesus the Temple authorities crucified. The same Jesus that God raised from the dead. The same Jesus the religious authorities continued to reject that very day. And Peter concluded his message to them, saying, “And there is no salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12; ESV).

This passage of Scripture is a reminder that there is only one means of salvation. That is by faith alone in Christ alone. This is what is proclaimed in the Bible. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. No one can know God or have a relationship with God apart from faith in Jesus.

If you are reading this, know that God loves you. He sent Jesus to save you from the consequences of your sin, which is death. God offers the free gift of eternal life to those who repent of their sin, confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believes that Jesus is the Son of God who has been resurrected from the dead.