How Great Is The Kingdom Of Heaven?

How great is the kingdom of heaven? I don’t believe we, who have never been there, can fully wrap our minds around how great the kingdom of heaven really is. I mean, I think we may have an idea of how great it is, we just cannot fully grasp how awesome it is truly. To truly grasp the greatness of the kingdom of heaven, we should probably ask Jesus. After all, he came to us from there and ascended back there, and is there now. So, how great is the kingdom of heaven?

To explain how great it truly is, Jesus used a parable. A parable is an illustration or story to describe something unfamiliar with what is familiar. The parable Jesus gives us goes like this: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matthew 13:44; ESV).

According to Jesus, who I personally think is the only one that can truly explain how great the kingdom of heaven is, the kingdom of heaven is the absolute most greatest treasure anyone could ever find. It is more valuable and more precious than anything else we can have. The kingdom of heaven is so great, once you have found it, it’s worth joyfully selling everything you have to obtain it. There is nothing this world can offer us that can compare to the value of the kingdom of heaven. And the best part is that as precious and valuable as the kingdom of heaven is, God gives it to us freely by faith in His only Son, Jesus Christ.