Jesus’ Letter To The Church In Philadelphia

It may interest you to know that the first century city of Philadelphia located in Asia Minor was actually founded by citizens of another city called Pergamum, which we talked about in Revelation 2. It was a city that worshiped the Greek god Zeus. It was a city that suffered greatly from an earthquake, because … [Read more…]

Wise Words From A Young Man

When I awoke this morning it was still dark outside. No one in my house was awake and there was little to no traffic on the road, though a car would come by the house occasionally. The early morning hours are my favorite part of the day. It’s when I sit and spend time with … [Read more…]

What We Can Learn From The Book Of Jonah

There are many who dismiss the book of Jonah as fiction. The reason they do is because the book mentions “a great fish” swallowing Jonah, and no reasonable thinker would believe that could ever happen in reality. But we can know the book of Jonah is in fact true for two reasons. First, because we … [Read more…]

Jesus’ Letter To The Church In Smyrna

As the title implies we are going to examine Jesus’ letter to the church in Smyrna in Revelation 2:8-11. If I could summarize Jesus’ words to this church, I would do so like this: be ready for persecution. Many people are incorrectly under the impression that when they become a believer they will not experience … [Read more…]