Preparing For Worship

I want to begin this evening with a question: what are your Sunday mornings like when you are preparing to gather with the saints? How do you prepare yourself for worship?  In Genesis 35:1 Jacob was commanded by God to return to Bethel for two reasons: to live there and build an altar there, which … [Read more…]

The Millennium: How will the Millennium end?

If you have your Bible, open it to Revelation 20:7. Recently we learned what life will be like during the Millennium. We learned that during the Millennium Jesus will rule the world’s government, believers – Old and New Testament saints – will rule with Jesus as a part of Jesus’ government, we will get to … [Read more…]

Parable of the Talents Explained

In Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus told what we call The Parable of the Talents. It includes a man who is going on a journey of somekind and entrusts his property to three of his servants. To one servant the man gave five talents, to another the man gave two talents, and to the third the man … [Read more…]

Lessons From Psalm 59

In 1 Samuel 19:10 Scripture tells us that King Saul had “sent messengers to David’s house to watch him, that he might kill him in the morning.” King Saul was very much threatened by David, whom God had foretold through the prophet Samuel that David would be the next King of Israel. The reason this … [Read more…]

God Makes Exceptions

In Numbers chapter 9 we read Israel celebrating Passover. What is Passover? It is an eight day celebration first instituted by God in Exodus 12 that honors Israel’s escape from Egypt by the mighty hand of God, as written in the book of Exodus. By the way, this is the second time Israel has held … [Read more…]

The Blessing

In Numbers 6:24-26 we see God teaching Aaron how to bless the people of Israel. God spoke to Moses to tell Aaron to pronounce this blessing over Israel: “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance … [Read more…]

When Does The Millennium Occur?

The Millennium is ushered in by Jesus’ second coming. But to be honest with you, there are two other views of when the Millennium occurs. There is a postmillennial view that teaches the Millenium is literal, is ushered in by the church, and Jesus comes after the thousand years. And there is the amillennial view … [Read more…]