God Tests Abraham – Part 1

Genesis 22:1 states, “After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, ‘Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.” The first thing I want you to notice here is who is being tested and who is doing the testing. Abraham is the one being tested and God is the one doing the testing. So, if … [Read more…]

Decision Time

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in 1 Kings 18. Before I jump into the story allow me to set it up for you. The kingdom of Israel has been split in two. There is the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah; this happened as a result of Solomon’s … [Read more…]

Isaac’s Disappointing Celebration

Many years ago God made a promise to Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son. That was finally achieved, and the story continues with no less drama. I titled this Isaac’s Disappointing Celebration, and you will see why as we work our way through the text in Genesis 21:8-21. This first observation we … [Read more…]

Discern Rightly

In 1 Kings 13:1-10 a certain “man of God” who was from Judah confronted King Jeroboam for leading Israel into sin by idolatry. After this “man of God” confronted King Jeroboam he was told by God, “You shall neither eat bread nor drink water nor return by the way that you came” (1 Kings 13:9). … [Read more…]

Be The Man

In 1 Kings 13 there is a man who is often overlooked. It’s not intentional. He is easy to miss. There is not much detail about him. For example, we don’t know his name. All we know is where he came from – Judah. 1 Kings 13:1 describes this unnamed man as “a man of … [Read more…]

The Sixth Trumpet – The Second Woe

“Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow.” That was the warning given in Revelation 8:13. Previously, we spoke about the first woe, which is also the fifth trumpet judgment. It included the opening of the abyss and … [Read more…]

4 Clarifications For Revelation 9:1-12

In the previous two blogs we examined Revelation 9:1-12. We saw the star open the shaft of the abyss and from the smoke rising from the abyss came stinging locusts which were allowed to sting and torment the unbelieving for 5 months. We also observed that those who were tormented by the stings of the … [Read more…]