The Sacrifice of Isaac – Part 3

We are continuing our study on the sacrifice of Isaac. At this point we have the insider information that God is testing Abraham. That God has commanded Abraham to take his only son, the son that he loves, Isaac, travel 60 miles (a three day journey) to “the land of Moriah”, and sacrifice Isaac as … [Read more…]

The Two Witnesses – Part 2

So a couple Sunday’s ago we began our study on the two witnesses. We learned that these two witnesses have no name. We learned that they will come empowered by Jesus. We learned that they come to bear witness about Jesus, that he is the Son of God, the Christ, and the only means of … [Read more…]

The Sacrifice of Isaac – Part 2

Last time we talked about Genesis 22, we focused our efforts on three words in verse 1: “God tested Abraham”. We talked about the fact that God testing Abraham is not the same as God tempting Abraham. We talked about the fact that God does not tempt us. We talked about when God does test … [Read more…]

Eternity Is A Reality.

My friends, one day, whenever God determines, we shall all draw our last breath. But death is not the end. Death is simply the beginning of eternity. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 9:27, “just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment”. A day comes, and it is … [Read more…]

Death Comes To Us All

I am going to tell you something you already know – one day you are going to die. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9:2, “It is the same for us all, since the same event (speaking of death) happens to the righteous and the wicked, to the good and the evil, to the clean and … [Read more…]

What is your life?

Life is short. Someone once said, “When we realize the shortness of life, we begin to see the importance of making every moment count.” That’s what I want to encourage you to do in this blog. Make every moment count. I want to begin by pointing out that Scripture has always maintained the shortness of … [Read more…]

A Walk Through Holy Week

It is the week of Easter and I would like to take you on a journey of what is taking place this holy week in regards to the life of Jesus using Matthew’s account. It is a wonderful story. A story of celebration. A story of prophecies being fulfilled. A story of righteous action. A … [Read more…]

Are you zealous to see the lost saved?

In Revelation 11:3 we learn that there will be two men who will come by the authority and power of Jesus to bear witness about Jesus, proclaim the gospel, and prophesy about God’s coming wrath in the last half of the tribulation. In the same way, the church is called to do that now. Every … [Read more…]

The Destruction Of Pride

Few things are more destructive than pride. Proverbs 16:18 tells us that “pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Not only is pride destructive, God has an intense hatred for a prideful heart. Proverbs 16:5 tells us, “Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the LORD; be assured, … [Read more…]