What We Can Learn From The Book Of Jonah

There are many who dismiss the book of Jonah as fiction. The reason they do is because the book mentions “a great fish” swallowing Jonah, and no reasonable thinker would believe that could ever happen in reality. But we can know the book of Jonah is in fact true for two reasons. First, because we … [Read more…]

Jesus’ Letter To The Church In Smyrna

As the title implies we are going to examine Jesus’ letter to the church in Smyrna in Revelation 2:8-11. If I could summarize Jesus’ words to this church, I would do so like this: be ready for persecution. Many people are incorrectly under the impression that when they become a believer they will not experience … [Read more…]

Jesus’ Letter To The Church In Ephesus

Today we are going to examine Jesus’ letter to the church in Ephesus, found in Revelation 2:1-7. But before we jump do, there are two things you need to know. First, when Jesus gave John this vision, he showed John seven lampstands or seven golden lampstands in Rev. 1:12, “Then I turned to see the … [Read more…]

Introduction To The Book Of Revelation

I know that there are mixed emotions held by many evangelicals concerning the book of Revelation. Some fear it and avoid it altogether, namely, due to the nature of the book; they think it is a book of doom and gloom, without really understanding what the book is about. Some people are excited; they find … [Read more…]

Using Our Freedom To Do Good

Would you agree that this world could use some good? This blog is about using your freedom from the law in Christ Jesus to do good. We are going to examine Galatians 6:9-10, which states, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not … [Read more…]

Mocking God

The other day, we were having lunch with my wife’s dad for his birthday. He is a farmer. He is a simple man who likes to work hard, stick’s to himself, likes a good laugh, and enjoys a good conversation. We were talking about politics and church related topics, namely, about the state of the … [Read more…]