God Makes Exceptions

In Numbers chapter 9 we read Israel celebrating Passover. What is Passover? It is an eight day celebration first instituted by God in Exodus 12 that honors Israel’s escape from Egypt by the mighty hand of God, as written in the book of Exodus. By the way, this is the second time Israel has held Passover. Also, just a side thought here: what God did for Israel – delivering Israel from the bondage of Egypt – is what God has done for us through His only Son, Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, God has delivered those who have put their faith in Jesus from the bondage of sin, and rescued them from sin and its consequences.

We read in Numbers 9:7 some men who approached Moses saying, “We are unclean through touching a dead body. Why are we kept from bringing the LORD’s offering at it’s appointed time among the people of Israel?” What had happened is that these men had come into contact with a dead body. How they came into contact with a dead body we do not know nor is that the concern here. What is important is that their contact with the dead body prevented them from participating in Passover according to God’s law, because they were considered unclean. So they go to Moses wanting to participate but knowing they can’t. It’s what we call a predicament.

What does Moses do? He does what he should do. He consults God. Moses told them, “Wait, that I may hear what the LORD will command concerning you” (9:8). And here is what God said to Moses regarding these men: “If any one of you or of your descendants is unclean through touching a dead body, or is on a long journey, he shall still keep the Passover to the LORD. In the second month on the fourteenth day at twilight they shall keep it. They shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. they shall leave non of it until the morning, nor break any of its bones; according to all the statute for the Passover they shall keep it” (9:9-12).

Was God adjusting His requirements so these men could participate in Passover? No. Was God changing His standards so they could participate in Passover? Of course not. Instead, God made an exception for them. He allowed them to celebrate Passover at a later date, but His requirements and His standards remained the same.

What’s the take away here? There are times when we will face situations that tempt us to compromise what God has written in His word. When that happens, we should be like Moses and seek God’s wisdom. In addition, know that God will never compromise His own Word. He is no liar or hypocrite. He will always maintain His standards of holiness. So if a situation occurs that tempts us to compromise what God has said in His Word we should inquire of God, wait for instruction, and obey Him. There may be times God makes some exceptions as He did with these men in Numbers 9, but even in those exceptions God always maintains His requirements and His standards. He will never double-back on what He has already spoken.