The Blessing

In Numbers 6:24-26 we see God teaching Aaron how to bless the people of Israel. God spoke to Moses to tell Aaron to pronounce this blessing over Israel: “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” More than likely you have heard this blessing said during a Sunday morning service or perhaps in a song, but do you know what a blessing is? What a blessing conveys?

What is a blessing? The simplest way I know how to put it is that a blessing is asking God to favor a person or people. So when you ask God to bless somone you are asking God to show them favor of some kind.

What does a blessing do? What is it conveying? The blessing that God instructed Aaron to announce over Israel can be broken down into five parts. First, we read the words “The LORD bless you and keep you”. These convey favor and protection. Secondly, the words “the LORD make his face to shine upon upon you” is asking God to be pleased with Israel or with whomever you wish God’s blessing over. Thirdly, we read “the LORD…be gracious to you”. This is asking God to be merciful and compassionate. Fourthly, we see the words “the LORD lift up his countenance upon you”, which is asking for God to give His approval. And lastly, we read the words “and give you peace.” This one is pretty self-explanatory. It’s asking God to give peace.

So, when you ask God to bless someone or maybe yourself, you’re asking God to do these five things. You are asking God to protect them, to be pleased with them, to show mercy and compassion to them, to give His approval, and to grant peace to whomever you are asking God to bless. One commentary I read suggested that praying for God to bless someone is a demonstration of your love for them, encouraging them, and can even be a model of caring for others. Is there someone you wish to ask God to bless? Numbers 6:24-26 is a great passage of Scripture to pray over someone whom you wish to see God bless.