New Year, New You – Part 2

What do you think is one of the most popular new year resolutions? If you guess to exercise more, then you are correct! This year 52% made this their top priority. It’s not a bad goal to have. There are certainly many benefits to this. But let me offer two resolutions that do not require bodily exercise but require you to exercise hope. They are about you being resolute in your faith.

Resolution 2: Go into this year knowing that as long as you put your trust in Christ your salvation is secure.

There’s not much we can say is secure in this world anymore. For something to be secure it needs to be free from danger and free from harm. It must be dependable and constant and safe. 

Life for the past three years or so has been everything but secure. We’ve been in and out of covid precautions. The stock market is always violently gaining or losing. Our nation’s policies are always changing. The economy goes through good seasons and bad seasons. Inflation and interest rates and gas prices are always going up and down; changing as often as the wind does direction.

But that is not true with your salvation. Paul wrote in Colossians 3:3, “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” The word “hidden” means concealed and safe. The implication behind this is while everything around you in this world is ever evolving, your salvation is not. As long as you put your trust in Jesus Christ your salvation is sure. Jesus died on a cross and shed his blood to secure the eternal redemption of everyone who put their faith and trust in Him (Heb. 9:12), and nothing can change that.

Resolution 3: Go into this year knowing that this could be the year that Jesus returns and raptures His church.

How many of you live with the expectation of Jesus’ return? I found it interesting that in 2014 Pew Research found that 41% of America expects Jesus to return by the year 2050. I think living life expecting Jesus’ return is a wonderful way to live and a biblical way to live. It’s Jesus who said, “You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matt. 24:44). The truth is, we don’t know when Jesus will return. He could rapture his church at any moment. 

In Colossians 3:4, Paul said, “When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” In verse 3 we found hope for our present, knowing that our salvation is secure as long as we continue to put our hope and trust in Jesus. In verse 4 we find hope for our future knowing that it’s not a matter of if Jesus appears again but when, and when He does, anyone who has put their faith and trust in Him will also appear with Jesus in heaven. And that should give us all hope for anything that awaits us in this new year.