The Rapture: Three Of My Personal Views

So far this week we have discovered what the definition for the Rapture is, where we get our definition for the Rapture from, where the word the Rapture comes from, and when the Rapture will be. In this blog I want to briefly share with you three of my personal views about the timing of the Rapture, just so you know where I stand. Now keep in mind no one can say with certainty when the Rapture will take place. I am not trying to do that here. But I do want to share some personal thoughts on the matter. The question I want to answer this morning is this: When do I think the Rapture will be?

I believe pre-tribulation theory is correct for six reasons.

Reason #1: By definition I believe in pre-tribulation. The definition of the word ‘tribulation’ indicates those seven years will be specifically purposed for those who do not believe in Jesus. Reason #2: Because in Genesis 6-7 God spared Noah and his family from His wrath on the ungodly as God flooded the world for 40 days and nights. Reason #3: Because Genesis 18:22-33 indicates that God will not punish the righteous for the sins of the wicked; for the sake of ten righteous people, God would not destroy the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah. Reason #4: Because of the events in Genesis 19:23-29, when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah: God spared Lot and his family from His wrath on the ungodly when God reigned down sulfur and fire. Reason #5: Because Romans 8:1 tells us “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”, and the tribulation is seven years of condemnation for those who reject the gospel. Reason #6: Because Jesus tells the believers in the church in Philadelphia in Revelation 3:10, “I will keep you from the hour of trial (the tribulation period) that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth”, indicating believers will be spared from this hour of trial we call the tribulation. Each of these texts indicates to me God will spare those who believe in Him from the seven years of tribulation that are meant for the unbelieving. 

I believe the Rapture is the next biblical event.

I agree with Dr. David Jeremiah who once said, “the rapture of the church is the next event on God’s prophetic timeline.” In other words, I believe the next major biblical event to happen is the rapture of the church. And I think it falls somewhere between Revelation 4 and Revelation 6, which is why we are having this conversation before we jump into Revelation 6, because Revelation 6 begins the seven years of tribulation. The reason I believe the Rapture is the next biblical event, and the reason I believe the Rapture will take place before Revelation 6, is because the church is no longer mentioned in the book of Revelation after Revelation 3.

I believe the rapture of the church will spark the beginning of the tribulation.

I believe the rapture of the church and the beginning of the tribulation period will be simultaneous. If you think about it, the world will be in utter chaos after the immediate and sudden Rapture of the church. People will disappear instantly. This will happen while people are driving, pilots are flying planes, captains are piloting their ships, and more. There will be car accidents, there will be plane crashes, there will boat accidents, there will be train accidents. Many people will die as a result of the Rapture of the church. Also, consider the enormous shock when some look over to discover their loved ones and friends having disappeared in the twinkling of an eye! Now, in saying this, keep in mind I cannot say this will be the case for certain. I could be totally wrong on this. For example, the Rapture may happen one day and the seven years of tribulation might not begin for another 5 years. We don’t know; and it’s not for us to know. God does not give us dates for these things, which is why we must be always vigilant.

In summary, these are three of my personal views on the timing of the Rapture and why. I believe if you are going to believe something, you need to know why you believe it and be able to explain why you believe it. Just remember, while the Rapture of the church is a factual event according to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, and while we know God has a determined time for this to happen according to Acts 1:7, no one can say for sure they know the timing the Rapture will occur. For that reason I say if you disagree with me on this, it’s not worth splitting hairs over. You may disagree with me on all of this and that is okay. You may believe the Rapture will take place mid-tribulation or post-tribulation, and that is fine. What we can agree on is that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and was resurrected by the power of God, for the forgiveness of our sins; and that one day God will send Jesus to Rapture the church that we might be with Him in heaven forevermore!