Putting On The New Self

In Ephesians 4:17 we read that Paul urges the believers in Ephesus to stop walking like sinners do; in other words, stop sinning willfully. Then, in Ephesians 4:22 & 23 he urges them to “put off the old self…and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds.” Now in Ephesians 4:24 Paul writes, “and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” So, Paul is encouraging them to “put on the new self”. I personally believe this is the order for which the new life in Christ must occur. First, our old self must be done away with, with the help of the Spirit (Eph. 4:22). Then, we must undergo a spiritual renewing by the Spirit, which is an on-going sanctifying process (Eph. 4:23). Finally, we are ready for our new self (Eph. 4:24).

Now, the first thing I want to point out here is that the words “put on the new self” is an imperative. What does that mean? It means these words are absolutely necessary; they are a command; they are a requirement. If we are going to live our new life in Jesus Christ we must “put on the new self”. This is not optional.

I also want you to notice this “new self” has been “created”. This new self has come into being; it was constructed. This “new self”, which has been “created”, is not something that naturally evolved within us. Our new self came into being by something or someone, and it was not us. When something is constructed it is constructed by something else. For example, a house does not create itself. There are framers, roofers, plumbers, and so on doing the constructing. The same applies to us. When we turn to Jesus and give our lives to him, the Holy Spirit begins his construction within us. This “new self” is not your work, it’s the work of the Spirit.

Furthermore, this “new self” that undergoes construction from the Spirit is “created after the likeness of God” (Eph. 4:24). What does Paul mean when he says this? Is he saying the Spirit creates us to be like little gods? No. Paul is saying when we undergo the transformative process of creation from “old self” to “new self” by the Spirit we are being created to be like God from a spiritual standpoint. Our “new self” is to be a representation of God, a picture of God, a portrait of God, a resemblance of God, which is why as new creations we are ambassadors of God (2 Cor. 5:17-20). As a “new self”, we are God’s “workmanship” (Eph. 2:10). We have undergone spiritual transformation by the Spirit, where God has worked in us, removing the old and renewing our mind, in order that we may represent God in the world.

When God created in us this “new self” by the Spirit, God did so “in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph. 4:24). I take this to mean that God has worked in me through his Spirit to be like him in righteousness and holiness. I believe that by faith in Jesus God has declared me righteous (Rom. 3:22) and by the blood of Jesus God has made me holy (Heb. 10:10). However, this also means that we are to represent God as such. We are to represent God in the world as righteous and holy. If I am to represent God as righteous and holy, I must live righteous and holy. Otherwise, I fail to represent Almighty God. This is why Hebrews 12:14 tells us to “strive for…holiness”; not only will not see Jesus if we do not, but it is how we best represent God. This is also why Peter writes the believers in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia in 1 Peter 1:15, “as he who called you is holy, you also be holy, in all your conduct.” In other words, be holy in how you behave. Brothers and sisters, we are not to live our lives the way the world does. We are called to be different. We are called to live in holiness. If we strive to live holy as we should, we will live in righteousness, and we will represent God in this “new self” well.

Of course, this is an impossible duty for any person. While we are to “put on this new self” and live “in true righteousness and holiness”, surely we will fall along the way. We are not perfect people. Praise God for his steadfast love, his rich mercy, and abundant grace! My point is this: we cannot do this alone; however, with the help of the Spirit, we can. We must depend on the Spirit daily to “put on the new self” and live “in true righteousness and holiness” every day; and on those days we fail to do so (there will be many), understand there is grace and forgiveness. God knows we are imperfect creatures. Just know the blood of Jesus has cleansed you and made you holy and righteous in the sight of God, and the Holy Spirit will help you as you journey through this fallen world to live holy and righteous.